Labels:chat room | monitor | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism | window OCR: THE BEST SAVINGS YIELDS IN THE U.S. Weeksin Minir Telephom Institutior {slate} Nor top20 investm MONE -MARKET ACCOUNTS Key Bank U.S.A [N.Y.] 3.51% 3.51% 26 $2,500 800-872 -5553 First tDeposit National Bank (N.H.) 3.31 3.52 26 5.000 800-821 -9049 New South Federal 1Saving (Ala.) 3.30 3.56 26 1.000 800 366 -3030 Washington Savings Bank(Ma.) 3.30 3.30 26 500 800-843-7250 Standard Pacific Savings (Calif.] 3.24 3.24 1.000 714-955.0536 SIX -MONTH CDs Southern Pacific Thrift &Loan {Calif.} 3.82 3.7. 5.000 310-204 2913 Second National Federal I Savings ["PW] 3.79 4.04 1.000 800. 284 .2628 J.C. Penney National Bank (Del.) 3.70 3.75 2.500 800-527 7-2265 First Bank of Beverly Hills (Calif. 3.70 3.61 1.000 800-521 6969 MBNA America {Del.] 3.67 2.500 800- 345-0397 ONE-YEAR CDs Second National Federal S ...